The situation that we are experiencing derived from the pandemic has made many people start practicing sports in their own homes. It is a convenient and cheap way to start any sport discipline.
If you have not yet started practicing sports at home, this is a good time! Do you want to start practicing yoga at home?
We will guide you how to do it right, so you can enjoy your initiation in a safe and HEALTHY way.
In the case that you have never done yoga and you are a beginner, we recommend you read our article Get started in yoga.
In order to start this practice at home safely, you have to know if the postures you are performing are performed correctly, without hurting yourself, in order not to create injuries. If you are a beginner and you don’t want to go to a yoga center to have a teacher correct your postures, don’t worry! There are many videos where step by step you can learn each position; Many yoga teachers now offer numerous classes online, both in groups and in private.
Prepare the following:
Find a place in your house that is calm and quiet. You don’t need a lot of space, enough for your mat and some margin around it so you can move around safely. Make it a place that transmits peace and is free from any distraction. You can even put candles and play music to create a relaxing atmosphere.
Yoga does not require any equipment other than the yoga mat. We recommend the 100% ecological and very durable mats from SANA Yoga Shop.
If your practice becomes part of your life, we recommend you also have blocks, belt, etc., with which you can practice a greater number of exercises or improve those already practiced.
The online content of yoga classes is almost infinite! There are many channels on YouTube, platforms, online studios, classes on Instagram etc. It is a matter of looking for a teacher who transmits empathy, peace and security and obviously that the class adjusts to your level and the time that you have.
As for the online teachers that we recommend, we could indicate the following:
Youtube channels:
Elena Malova-> Canal de Youtube (gratuito)
Xuan Lan -> Canal de Youtube (gratuito) + estudio online
Teachers Instagram / Zoom:
Ahora Comienza El Yoga -> plataforma de bienestar y crecimiento personal
Yoga takes patience, practice and time, it is a long process, it is a lifestyle. To do this regularly, schedule your yoga sessions. That can help you maintain your practice and keep other people used to giving you time and space. We recommend that you gradually work towards practicing yoga almost every day. Begin your practice at home with one to three sessions per week and then continue doing yoga every day, if possible. Make sure you are in tune with the needs of your body. You may need to make changes to the duration of a pose, for example, or you can do different poses depending on how you feel that day. One day you may not feel like it or you are tired, give yourself a relaxing day, meditate, do not force yourself.
You already know everything to be able to practice yoga at home, so what are you waiting for? Unroll your mat and enjoy it!